Encyclopædia Botanica Digital
discover the flowers
21 Flowers
21st of March
0.21 ETH Reserve
24 Hour Auctions
THE FLEUR On Opensea
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The Fleur is an art collection of 21 unique surreal species created by Ondrej Zunka that live on the Ethereum blockchain.
Plants are the foundation of all life on earth, upon which humans and every other living creature depends. Habitats thrive with a diversity of plants that form complex communities, who both depend on and compete with one another in a natural symbiosis.
Flowers, the reproductive structure of many plants, seduce pollinators with their alluring colours, sweet nectar and scented petals. Yet they bloom only briefly, and only under the right conditions, making flowers an expensive resource for a plant to produce.
It is my wish that these flowers inspire us to look for guidance in the infinitely beautiful and intelligent natural world.
The Artwork
The Fleur is an art collection of 21 unique surreal NFT species living on the Ethereum blockchain. Each token is a 1/1 artwork with accompanying description and unique name.
A combination of tools and techniques were used to create the digital flowers, including virtual sculpting, Photogrammetry, modification of ready made assets, dynamics simulations and procedural modelling systems.
21 flowers. 21st of March 2022. 0.21ETH reserve auctions.
Collectors of these flowers are eligible to receive a signed print of their piece, contact me on Twitter if you would like to receive one.
Custom contract powered by - view on Etherscan.
DART Milano, April 2022. Superchief LA, Spring 2022.
Road map
There’s no roadmap! But I have a couple ideas. My work is usually animated and I consider these first 21 flowers a Gen0 from which I could branch into other areas. One specific use I find fascinating is dynamic NFTs. I could for example animate a plant which would then grow over time, day by day. Or perhaps to create generative flowers and cross-pollinate between them to create new hybrid flowers.

Odorata Cinere
To make up for its colourless, scraggy-looking petals, the Odorata Cinere emits an aroma so delicious that it is described as one of the most enticing and satisfying scents in the world. The compounds are so decadently abundant that they secrete from the floral tissue. This sticky coating catches pollen, as well as foreign particles like dirt that add to both the complexity of its rich fragrance and it's ashy appearance.

Toxic Exaryum
Toxic Exaryum is known for its complex scent - its petals smell intensely sweet and musky, almost to a point of smelling artificial and chemical, with sour undertones reminiscent of stale, yeasty fermentation. Bulbous growths that develop on the flower's stem drop to the earth, releasing acidic compounds into the ground as they decompose. This discourages other species from taking root, turning the surrounding environment barren.

Adamo Pericolosum
Despite the alluring, rich colour of its blood-red petals, Adamo Periculosum is a species to be cautious of. Brushing against it in the wrong direction, its sharp talons will stubbornly stick into whatever it has caught and infect its victim with a nasty bacterial infection.

Fluffus Algae
The gentle giant of the plant world, the stalk of the Fluffus Algae is comprised of vascular bundles that are arranged in a loose and unstructured way. It is for this reason it has a relatively 'mellow' appearance. Its growth movements are quite slow compared to that of other flowers, also due to it being extremely tall and thus quite heavy.

Luna Stipula
The stalks of Luna Stipula branch and merge as it grows to form a web-like structure with circular holes. These strange stems have developed as a method to keep the flower stable and resistant to storms in the open landscape it inhabits. The holes are said to resemble the craters of the moon, a symbolism further bolstered by the fact that this flower only blooms at night.

Vomitus Flos
Vomitus flos is easily identified by the length of hair that cascades from the inside of the flower's receptacle. The hair protects the sensitive stigma, stamen and other reproductive organs by decreasing the amount of light, moisture and dust that they would otherwise be exposed to.

Bellus Spinae
While the thorns of the Bellus Spinae are designed to fend off herbivores, its modified stigma acts as a lure for other creatures. Intrigued by the bright, dangling bait, small animals such as frogs, lizards and some birds are tempted enough to bite, only to find themselves whipped upwards and reeled in to the depths of the flowerhead to their eventual demise.

Transvaal Rubrum
The twisted stem of the Transvaal Rubrum is a structural alteration stimulated by heliotropism. Each day as it grows, the flower cranes towards the sun, and the active movement of this orbital rotation is in a way 'frozen' in time. The spiraling curves of the stem can therefore be seen as a kind of visual history of the plant that trace the paths of the constantly changing direction of the flower.

Tenebris Veratrum
Ingesting the leaves, stems, and roots of Tenebris Veratrum can be deadly, unless one knows how to properly prepare it for consumption. In the smallest of quantities and with the right technique, this plant is said to be able to cure ailments of all kinds. Additionally, the white pearls at the core of the plant are often harvested and dried, later to be made into a tea for an uninterrupted sleep with pleasant dreams.

Primula Bros
Primula bros share an interconnected stalk. This enables them to identify and thus compare themselves to the other, encouraging a competitive spirit. Their yellow innards around which their petals grow, grow vertically as they race each other to see who can be the tallest.

Teraxacum Fam
Taraxacum fam is a hardy species that thrives in most environmental conditions. Due to its easy-going nature and ability to adapt to changes in weather, it spends its reserve energy in a playful manner, displaying acrobatic growth movements - often synchronised - with fellow flowers of this species.

Tulipa Nodatus
Like many flowers, Tulipa Nodatus is monoecious, meaning that it has both male and female reproductive organs in the same individual. However, while it does not need two separate plants in order to reproduce, it still enjoys cross-pollinating with others. The stamens can sense the proximity of other stamens, and reach towards each other to intertwine with each other in intimate knots.

Strelitzia Vocatio
With its crowned bird-like flower and coiling snake-like stalk, Strelitzia Vocatio identifies further with the animal kingdom due to its ability to emit sounds. Inaudible to the human ear, this plant gives off high-frequency ultrasonic soundwaves that small animals and insects can hear. The sounds are used to attract these creatures, who are the plant's primary pollinators.

Pilosus Torquent
Pilosus torquent carries particularly delicate pistils, which are unable to germinate pollen if they are exposed to frost or severe windchill. The bulbous silhouette of the flower is made of fine hair-like fibers that twist tightly round the inner organs of the flower, working as a protective thermal insulator.

Connexa Chamemilla
Connexa chamaemilla is said to bring fortune and prosperity to those who encounter it. Only found in pairs, the prominent bridge of disc florets that connects the two independantly-rooted flowers functions as a communication channel that transmits nutrients, energy and good vibes.

Lilium Custodia
Lilium custodia protects itself by wrapping sturdy tendrils around its flower to create a cage. While preventing unwanted visitors from accessing the core of the plant, this jail-like structure, also means the plant is held back and restricted from other things.

Cynara Serpentes
The stalk of the Cynara Serpentes is as strong as it is active. It stretches during the day to reach high above the canopy of neighbouring plants, maximising sun exposure for photosynthesis. During the night, it retracts to rest in the safety of the undergrowth. Fully extended, the length of this plant can reach up to 4 metres.

Manumala Noxhydria
While at first one may be apprehensive of Manumala noxydria's reaching tendrils, this plant is not to be feared. Its curiosity to touch surrounding objects comes from its desire to climb. It is especially reactive to movement, and will gladly caress whoever is willing to come near enough.

Punctatum Capillum
The Punctatum Capillum only flowers once every 40-50 years, an event that attracts spectators from all over the world who wish to witness this plant's bloom. This flower is said to bring luck to those in its presence. It's beaded whiskers, full of sweet nectar, bear resemblance to golden lucky charms.

Caeruleus Orchis
Caeruleus Orchis is known for its deep sapphire-toned petals, whose tissue structure has similarities with woven fabrics like satin or silk. It is soft to the touch yet very difficult to tear, giving it qualities akin to textiles used in premium fashion items.